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They Don't Say 'Cold As Charity ', Without Good Reason.

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sandyRoe | 09:34 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

Now that Larry the Downing Street cat has been cast aside after years of loyal service, to be replaced by Prince a Siberian kitten, it's time he put himself first for once.

Relying on charity should be the last option.  Seeing out your days in a soulless cattery would be worse than prison.

Larry should look for a ghost writer and a literary agent.  

'Larry, the Downing Street years', would be a best seller, especially in the run up to Christmas.

And what stories he'd have to tell, Brexit, PMs coming and going as though in a revolving food, and the fall of a long lived government.

I'd buy a copy myself.



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That's absolutely ghastly - where has Larry gone ? 

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I don't know. Someone should ask a question in the House.  The people who have him in custody would know that they can't treat him as though he was some poor stray.


Larry is still king of Downing Street.  He is getting on in years but will still be top cat.

It is not clear whether Starmer's own two cats will live on the premises permanently or whether they will mainly live elsewhere.

Good God NO - he is an A lister, deserves his own pension and lots of treats !!

i had a quick scan of the news there

Larry should be given a peerage; Lord Larry of Westminster. 

Sandy, there are already a few 'Larry' books available at amazon;

'Larry the Cat's meeting minutes journal', 'The Larry Diaries', 'The Downing Street Cats'. 

There is also 'A Day in the life of Humphrey, the Downing street Cat' written, ahem, by Humphrey himself.

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I don't know how 'food' replaced 'door', 3rd line from bottom.

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It's a shame Sunak didn't mention him in his resignation honours.

Fake mews.

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