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What Will Go Best With Thus Top?

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abbeylee90 | 07:57 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
18 Answers


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Can't your mum or a friend who knows your figure and looks help dress you abbey? You've asked several such questions here in the last few days.

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Don't comment if your going to criticise 

Black trousers or skirt

A jacket or jumper that covers it up so that you can't see it! That top is hideous!

It's a question of taste, I think it's smart and a nice change from the usual cut out tops and animal print. 

I think that would only go with black jeans.  It's casual rather than smart.

But surely by now you realise we're the wrong people to ask as we're older generation and we don't know your figure or looks....and you usually seem to ignore us and keep putting up things we don't like.

Surely your mum or friends know you better.

And maybe you are overthinking what to wear.  Your personality and general looks are far more important and what people remember about you. I doubt anyone remembers next day  what you wore.

It's advice not criticism Abbey.

It is definitely a question of taste Barry, some people will like it and some people not - the same with all Abbey's fashion questions. I am one of the people that doesn't like this top, and Abbey has asked for our opinions and I have said exactly what I feel!

I don't like it either but it may look fine on Abbey. It's not worn with black jeans or maybe even smarter leggings as long as its untucked.

But I'd still ask someone I know if I couldn't decide for myself.

Abbey, you can't ask questions on a public forum, and then order people not to comment.  

If you ask for opinions, you need to be prepared for negative as well as positive comments.  And that means sometimes comments will be critical.  

If you can't take the criticism, don't ask for the opinion.  

And by the way, that top is hideous.  

Brown or tan coloured trousers?

Though, I admit, I know next to nothing about fashion.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

It's not 'hideous'...but not great either. I'm not sure black would match as the darker colour looks more brown. On that basis, I'd be looking for dark brown leggings or skinny jeans.

I don't really think it's you Abbey but black or dark tan trousers might go with the top.

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Abbey If you ask a question to many people you are old enough to know that you will get positive and negative replies as people will have different opinions. Some will like an outfit and some will not. To me the top is drab and not very attractive. You have been told many times that smart trousers or jeans with plain coloured tops are a good combination as are tops with small patterns. Why not ask the ladies in the charity shop their opinion as they will see you in person and can envisage the clothes on you

Abby if you don't want people to criticise, don't ask the same question again and again.... we are allowed to voice our opinion 

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