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What Do Women Think Of Men In Leather Jackets?

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Dantheman98 | 12:44 Wed 13th Apr 2022 | Society & Culture
35 Answers
I recently started wearing a leather jacket to work and what I noticed is that female colleagues seem to stare at it, whereas when I just wore my other coat they didn’t give it a second glance. I didn’t start wearing it with the intention of getting female attention, it was just because I think it looks great. It’s like a late 90s/ early 00s style leather jacket that looks a bit vintage. I’ve also received complements from my students (I’m a teacher) saying they think it looks cool. Any female perspective on here would be great!


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Tigger- I don’t really know tbh I’ve just noticed them make eye contact with the jacket whilst walking through the corridor with a blank expression, whereas in other normal coats I’ve worn nobody ever looked at it at all. One young teaching assistant who was new to the school kind of looked at it then smiled at me as I was walking through the school hall
Wow ! You've pulled !
Stetson next ?
One young teaching assistant who was new to the school kind of looked at it then smiled at me as I was walking through the school hall
Don't play it too cool, she'll walk on by.
Talking of leather jackets, this has just reminded me of David Brent in The Office.
Never watched it so can't akin it to that, but :

It's the old story: droid meets droid, droid becomes chameleon, droid loses chameleon, chameleon turns into blob, droid gets blob back again, blob meets blob, blob goes off with blob and droid loses blob, chameleon and droid. How many times have we heard that story.

Kryten, Camille-Red Dwarf.

Now that makes sense to some of on here Tigger.
Dan, have you been to the blue Oyster/

I think Dan maybe a little young for you 3T.
// Now that makes sense to some of on here Tigger.//

foo dat quite good dat

makes sense to me: funny too
I had a brand new smart leather jacket stolen from a seedy nightclub. Though I did get a cloakroom ticket to be safe. The club didn’t want to know. Last leather coat for me.
Good stuff Peter my arms are always wide open... Thinking of a younger Tigger reminded me of that episode looking like listers Camille.
Loved that episode of RD, Arky, sad ending for Kryten :o(

Smeeeeeg heeeead.......
"We'll always have Parrots"
-- answer removed --

So ....... yesterday !

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