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well said Sandy. I agree. 

Don't cross one of the worlds most dangerous stretches of water with your kids on a lilo. You are in a safe country already. Also sorted.

aaaaargh did I read that? ( bless TTT) bombs in Lebanon linked to boats in the English Channel. 

oh well, AB on a Tuesday

14:32 I was answering mozz point at 14:18 genius, he linked the two things not me.


sandyRoe, if you know that isn't going to happen what do you want to happen?

personally i would like the israeli government to be replaced by  one that isn't determined to sabotage the oslo accords.

So untitled only Israel must change you are quite happy with the Islamic nutters of Hamas then?

not at all. like i said, israel has done a great deal of work to prop up hamas because they are an obstacle to palestinian unity.

T3 and all the supporters of Israel,

What's your idea of a solution that would bring lasting peace to the area?

@15.12.The final eradication of the Hamas/Hez bo llah terrorists perhaps?


I think you dare not speak what's in your mind.

A final solution might be to eradicate all the Palestinians.  

Is that what you really think?

15:12 Hamas give back the hostages and both them and Hezbollah agree a cease fire.

sandyRoe Israel seem to be doing a pretty god job by eradicating the terrorists you reap what you sow.

Just a quick of caution to all.  This is an emotive topic so do please choose your words carefully.  Skeletal threads don't help the discussion.

look what the islamists did to lebanon was beautiful place once. a two state solution for israel and palestinians, considering whta happened to lebanon any plaestinian state would become like lebanon, awash with islamist proxie militants, you see the big picture is, iran and some arab countries do not want a settlement peace deal, it's an anathema they are the killers of prophets or prophet of iv read, only total eridication will do, so imagine if suddenly muslim army took over israel, they would build gas chambers use high buildings, ropes bullets bayonets, it's the prophets will err the mullahs, muslims round the world would be cheering in the streets from lahore to luton, like they did when the twin towers came down, and they were no israeli.

There are no skeletal threads if the butchers stay their cleavers.

 Skeletal threads don't help the discussion.

skeletal threads? oh where the mods pare down the posts to the  ones they agree with.... yeah know them well.

as I complained to the Editor - so that a thread that looked like a verdant wood, now looks like a stump in the B ttle of the Somme

@15.19.No.Just the eradicationof the Hamas/Hez bo llah terrorists.

If you have anything to say on this thread stay on topic.  

sandy //Naomi24 I would be happy with a two state solution, as would the great majority of Palestinians.

But that's not going to happen because Israel doesn't want it.//


As I have suggested to you before on this thread; Go study history.

When Israel was first formed the Jews agreed to a 2-party state. But immediately the surrounding Arab countries, Egypt, Jordan, et al  began to attack them vowing to remove and destroy them.

There were btw, lots of Jews living in those countries at the time who suffered  some were even hanged! 


"...the Jews agreed to a two party state"

Was that before or after the massacre of the villagers of Deir Yassin, more than 109 women, children, and men, murdered?

These killings were despite the fact that the villagers had formed a bin aggression pact with their new neighbours.

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