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What Will Go Best With Thus Top?

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abbeylee90 | 07:57 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
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and i don,t care what clothes you like. get a real life

Abbey, it's simple, wear what you feel comfortable in - at your age, this shouldn't be the problem you appear to make it.

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What I mean is I can't force people to like something.

Then make your own decisions.  Don't ask for our opinions.  Most of us I presume are of an older generation.  Ask your friends, not us.  Your questions are getting too repetitive and some of us I believe think it is all becoming a bit of a joke.  

Abbey, no, you can't force people to like something -but it's a bit cheeky of you to say, 'If you want to criticise, don't comment' as you did earlier! If you're going to show outfits - often the same outfits - that the majority of ABers dislike, is everyone to stay quiet? I know there's a school of thought that says 'If you can't say anything nice, say nothing at at.' If you're going to ask for opinions, that's what you're going to get - and you should know that by now, you've had years of 'black top or red top', 'hair up or down' etc. 

I rather like that shirt, Abbey.  Like the model shown I would pair it with dark trousers.

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If you like it, wear it.  Question answered.  End of.

And answered by Abby.  Success at last !

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I'll try it on thanks

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