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Much As I Hate To Admit It . . ..

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Buenchico | 21:57 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

. . . (because I'm from Suffolk), there appears to plenty of common sense prevailing just up the road from here, in Norfolk:

Well done those magistrates!

🐢 πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ πŸΆ 



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NFN πŸ˜€

I actually saw an XL bully puppy the other day! I asked the owner how old it was, and he said just 11 months! It was a huge baby and very sloppy!!

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I knew a woman, Canary42, who swore that she'd seen 'NFN' actually written on her medical notes πŸ˜Š


They're generally as soppy as it's possible to be, Piggy!


normal for Norfolk

Doctors' notes were notorious and now discouraged ... NOONG not one of nature's gentlemen; BBSS big boobs see soon

Normal for Norfolk  Smow

It is wrong to penalise a whole breed of dog due to the actions of a few dogs.

But I wouldn't have a dog of the bully breeds or the most vicious of all - a Chihuahua.  Many of them are badly bred and potential timebombs.

I love big dogs, German Shepherds or a Bullmastiff would be perfect.




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Yappy little Yorkshire Terriers aren't much better than Chihuahuas in my opinion, Wolfie!

I love big dogs too.

I'd happily have a Tibetan Mastiff in my life but
(a) my cats wouldn't like it ; and 
(b) with prices close to £1m each for some of them, neither would my bank manager!

One that size ...your cats might have to just lump it Chris !! ☺️ They're just gorgeous, but the grooming 🫒πŸ€ͺ

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^^^ Easy peasy, Steff!

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Much As I Hate To Admit It . . ..

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