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Does Teachers Bother To Look At A Childs Report

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renegadefm | 07:36 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
51 Answers

Just wondering when a child aged 9 returns to school after the summer holidays and enter a new season and teacher, does the new teacher bother to read the childs report from the previous teacher?


Our daughter had a glowing report, they couldn't praise her enough, shes helpful, engaging, etc etc. 


But since she's started the new term, we noticed she seems upset when coming out of school, and shes not the happy girl we knew before the holidays, in fact yesterday she said mummy I don't like school, I don't want to go. 

But this not like her at all. 


She said my new male teacher is quite strict, and not nice. 


Wouldn't teachers benefit from reading a child's previous report to see and gauge how to move forward with each child. 

Or do they start with a clean slate? 



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No, TTT.  Not the same guy.

No ttt. That was someone in USA who posted under 2 names.... 

Better teacher's would not try to humiliate a pupil in front of the whole class, but do it later one to one and explain why what she did wasn't right in his view.

Unfortunately some teachers aren't as good as we would like them to be, and some children aren't either.


If it wasn't raised in front of the class other children may think it is acceptable.

A former teacher's pet may not be so favoured by a new teacher.  - -  that was why my dear mama was so grateful to the teacher who said ( Dec 1960) " There are three boys in this form who should be in the year above"

( that was before the modern idea that an eight year old has to be in a class of eight year olds and not nine year olds)

and tell us what happened -  we are all agog

and we havent had  - - what the teacher said

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Well my partner tried organising a meeting with the head misstress on Monday morning, but she said she couldn't organise a meeting until Wednesday, as she was off all day Tuesday, and not available on Monday. So it will be tomorrow now before we can see her. 

Oh to be a fly on the wall.

I would have spoken to the teacher rather than the head in the first instance and got his side of the story.

He was last seen leaving a trailing dustcloud as he made a break for the border.

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Personally I would agree with you. 

But apparently you have to go through the correct process. I think its so that the head master or misstress is kept informed with everything going on. 

Its not a case of, hey I need a quick word with you anymore. 

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