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Pubs Face Being Forced To Close Early

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naomi24 | 10:37 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | News
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//Public health minister Andrew Gwynne said the government was looking into "tightening up the hours of operation" of bars and pubs.

It comes in a bid to tackle anti-social behaviour and boost health.

Speaking at the Labour conference in Liverpool, Mr Gwynne said the government's chief medical officer, Professor Sir Chris Whitty, had told ministers that, if trends continue, 60% of the NHS budget will be spent on diseases that could have been prevented.

Mr Gwynne said Labour is "not the fun police" nor "supernanny" but the measures were being considered for moral and economic reasons.//


The last thing we need is this government guiding our 'morals' but they seem intent on killing the pub trade.



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JTH 11:17 I sympathise but surely the whole country need not be punished for what happens in your town. Your local authority could sort that if they wanted to.

Never had a problem getting enough to drink by 11 pm.

Daft idea. All it would means is people would start earlier or they'd pour as much down their necks as quickly as possible before last orders. And then, as somebody has already said, you'll have everybody piling into the streets at the same time rather than it being staggered.


This desire to control is rather worrying. It's like the ridiculous idea to ban smoking in beer gardens. Think about that, they want to ban smoking in the open air! Even the most anti of anti-smokers must be able to grudgingly admit it's daft.

Could it be that the social issues jth outlines above, are not related to the supplier of alcohol - the pub, but rest somewhere in British society itself?

Once you get outside the sceptered isle, restaurants & bars serve alcohol at all hours - some 24 & you don't see anything like that behaviour.

I don't live in a Major city, but in 20 years of living in Germany the only drunks I've seen have been happy ones at Fests & celebrations.



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