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Cross Doubt

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Rooske24 | 20:39 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
12 Answers

Cross Doubt

2 5 letter words from ADIIMNORT

one is a cross letter eg; TRAIN




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^that's because one I is used twice as the two words traIn and idIom cross 
20:44 Tue 24th Sep 2024

You've only shown 9 letters

so TRAIN and IDIOM will work

^that's because one I is used twice as the two words traIn and idIom cross 


if you use another T


If you use another O

Timid/roMan uses all 9

ADMIT/MINOR ( an extra M)

... and I'm sure there may be more...

If the M is the crossing point then

-admit minor

-timid manor




if D:



Do the 2 words have to be related or have to fit with other crossers? If not, there are numerous possible combinations.

R- minoR, tRiad

Hope our answers helped!

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