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Just Witnessed People Driving To A Food Bank To Pick Food Up.

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dave50 | 14:41 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
53 Answers

These people weren't getting a lift, they were driving themselves and not all in old bangers either. Are people taking the proverbial?



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When I worked for the food bank we had plenty of volunteer drivers who used their own cars to pick up and deliver food parcels to the elderly and house bound..


People are so quick to judge.

How are you doing now nailedit?

It seems, then, that all may not be what it seems.

Thanks for asking Ellie. On my last night of detox, home tomorrow.  Doing good thanks.

That's great nailedit, delighted to hear it. Good luck for the future x

Like all freebies there will be abuses. Sadly detracts from those in real need.

Nobody in the UK, in absolute terms, is poorer now than those fifty years ago. The poorest now are considerably better off than the not so poorest then.

My parents, despite boh working, were, at times, absolutely potless. We had no car, went on holiday I think three or perhaps four times during my  childhood. We lived in rented accommodation. There was no Housing Benefit, no Working Tax Credits or Child Tax Credits. I think he only benefit they received was "Family allowance" (now Child Benefit). Nobody had a computer, a mobile phone in fact comparatively few people even had a landline. We did and I think that was my parents' one indulgence.

There were also no food banks at that time but nobody starved. If you make free food available, incredible as it may seem, people will turn up to collect it. The notion that without food banks people would starve is ludicrous. Giving them free food allows them to spend their money on something else.

Yeah just like pensioners expecting £200 of free fuel every year. They should have worked harder, made provision for themselves. They've all got tellys too. Shocking. Give people free fuel and they'll take take take

16:50 bang on as usual judge.

Give over, honestly! Food banks are for people in crisis and have huge restrictions. It's not like people are getting free food all the time.


And maybe those pensioners should go back to work to fund their own living expenses rather than expecting me to contribute via my tax

14.59? Where would a Pensioner get a job,you silly Person.

Shuld have said 16.49.

Or maybe 16.59.


"And maybe those pensioners should go back to work to fund their own living expenses rather than expecting me to contribute via my tax"

There is a considerable difference between a benefit provided by the government and handouts provided by individuals, bednobs.

But leaving aside that discrepancy, there was no WFA 50 years ago and nobody froze to death. 

There is no such thing as poverty in the UK .Naomi has told us so many times, as she tries her hardest to brain wash us. Bless her little cottons

They may not have frozen to death, but the elderly are far more vulnerable in cold temperatures and statistically more likely to die from cold weather related conditions. 

I guess we need to wait for frozen oldies to appear on the streets...

I'm an OAP and I still pay Income Tax and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Gulliver, Naomi didn't say that. 

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