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Dozens Let Out Of Prison Under Emergency Release Scheme Were Freed By Mistake

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webbo3 | 18:39 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | News
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it's ok I am sure plenty of pensioners would take their place, food and warmth for the winter....


Who made the mistake? Well, let's blame Labour anyway.

They deserve any blame. They decided to free prisoners when there were other options. No one else.

OG, what other options did the government have?

'Sits back to wait for the Scottish island speech.'

Instead of giving money to illegals, they should build more prisons, not let prisoners out early.  Rant over.

Until those extra prisons are built, what would you propose in the meantime?

Well, if Labour had built and staffed new prisons in a couple of months, there would not have been the problem.

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\\Until those extra prisons are built, what would you propose in the meantime?//

Release the right people?

Clearly Labour should have had new plans for the prisons drawn up and ptoposed amendments to planning legislation sorted out months before the election.

WEBBO, thirty-seven folk were released in error. How would the lack of cells have been helped by keeping those thirty-seven folk in gaol?

Just search past threads here to note loads of options.

How about you do that then since you're more familiar with them than I am?

Does anyone know how many people are usually released from prison every week? It would be interesting to know

Thecorbyloon at 21:40.

The answer would have been to release a different 37 who were met the criteria. Or delay imprisonment of some who 'liked' the wrong type of tweet.

Actually they have recaptured most of them so there's room somewhere.

This is very interesting re prison population

I Thought Labour were freeing up prison space to house all those Tory MPs who had trousered all that taxpayers money over the past fourteen years  With a couple of cells reserved for Michelle Mone and Matt Hancock. just saying🤣😎

Gulliver. Your obsession with what the Tory Party did is becoming a phobia which you should get treatment for.

In the meantime the Labour Party sleeze is being exposed almost on a daily basis.  How about dealing with what is happening today?

Gramps 85 "Gulliver .Your obsession with what the Tory Party Did"     The only thing the Tory party did was wreck the Country by introducing Brexit  alongside trousering as much tax payers cash as they could stuff into their pockets whilst doing so for the last fourteen years.  That's what the Tory party did Gramps. OK.

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Dozens Let Out Of Prison Under Emergency Release Scheme Were Freed By Mistake

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