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Guess Where The Money Is Going While Our Pensioners Are Freezing This Winter.....

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ToraToraTora | 15:28 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | News
27 Answers

Yep here's the list of the top 20. The no 1 will come as no surprise but look at nos 3,4 and 5, yep we are funding Islamic extremists! Labour's favourite people, they just can't help it can they?



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Ynna, there's a lot of money in Lebanon.  Beirut is lovely.

" I'd hoped a new government would stop it. Espevially as they keep going on about a black hole."

Unfortunately, Tora, so-called  "Official Development Assistance" has a far higher and stronger fence round it than pensioners' WFA. Coincidentally, the total in that list is about the same as might be saved by the scrapping of WFA. 

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So foriegners are more important than our own pensioners.

-- answer removed --

Wonder which Mod deleted that one then..???

Could have been any mod. It was a  rude post aimed at goading ttt and Naomi again and was clearly going to get removed. Okay.

GULLIVER, I deleted it and that's the end of the matter.

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