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The Cat, The Candle, And The Toaster.

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sandyRoe | 13:44 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
24 Answers

The kitten knocked over a bottle holding half a candle which fell into one of the slots of the toaster.  It has melted around the part that holds the bread.  Is it unsafe to use it now?



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No!  Even when one of them broke my favourite table lamp the other night chasing a spider she did not get put out with the rubbish (some low life already put her out as rubbish when she was tiny).
14:17 Thu 26th Sep 2024

From the title I thought this was going to be some kind of riddle or story.

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You need a catchy headline to attract readers.

I can’t understand anyone having a candle (naked flame) in their home – unless they want to burn their house down.

I'm with you on that hymie, smelly fire hazards.

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The Cat, The Candle, And The Toaster.

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