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Reciprocal Health Care In France

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iloveglee | 15:44 Tue 11th Oct 2016 | Travel
3 Answers
does anyone know what the reciprocal arrangements for health care are in france for over 65's , using the European health card. while we still have it.

i know in spain and italy, their own pensioners get free emergency health care and pay for prescriptions. i believe france have some strange kind of state/insurance system whereby they get part of their care paid, but have some sort of co-pay system whereby they have to top it up with insurance. i do believe that you used to be able to claim this co-pay back from the nhs but no longer. this though applied to non pensioners, and i am not sure if its different for over 65's.

my brother in law is really keen to go to the celebration of the normandy landings next year, but is unable to get medical insurance at a price he can afford. we have been to spain and italy without insurance, because we know if he had a problem requiring emergency medical care he could go to a state hospital and it would be free. hence why i want to know about france.


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See here:
(You need to click on 'Health Services and Costs', etc, to view full information).

This specialist broker (which is recommended on the websites of several leading charities) has helped many ABers obtain travel insurance for pre-existing conditions and/or for those of .mature' years:

Boots also seem to have no upper age limit on their single-trip insurance:
and they also cover pre-existing conditions:
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thanks for the links, i'll have a look at those. i think we have probably looked at every travel insurance company known to man, and come up with crazy prices every time, even for a short trip. its's not the age as such, although he is over 75 which does affect things, its his medical conditions of which there are several, and bump the policy up enormously. even though said medical conditions are stable, have been for a long time, there is of course always the risk. nevertheless i havent seen one of the ones you list, so will have a look and see if that comes up better. any further information on this subject welcome.
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