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Just Witnessed People Driving To A Food Bank To Pick Food Up.

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dave50 | 14:41 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
67 Answers

These people weren't getting a lift, they were driving themselves and not all in old bangers either. Are people taking the proverbial?



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I always wonder how these people with mobile phones, ciggies and 55" TVs, ever managed without Food Banks?  It is getting ridiculous.  

Here we go again...stereotyping people who need food.

"Here we go again...stereotyping people who need food."

It may be stereotyping, pasta, but it isn't hard to understand why people hold that somewhat jaundiced opinion.

We have a food bank in one of my local shopping parades. A few years ago I was passing by and a couple were outside. Neither looked as if they were on the brink of starvation and in fact a few days on iron rations might have done both of them a bit of good. The male was about to go into the foodbank to collect their goods.

"If you give me some cash I'll go over and get the vodka" said the female. "And don't forget to tell them we want [something or other, can't recall what]. We didn't get any last time."

The male drew a large wad of banknotes from his pocket and peeled a few off before going in to the food bank.

On another occasion I saw a bloke turn up there with two large dogs, who probably ate more than he did. He dutifully tied them up outside before going in to collect his (and probably their) vital supplies.

Come on NJ, think it out. If you put your savings in a bank the authorities will know you have money and you'll never get free hand-outs. And which food bank is going to give you vodka; you just have to buy your own. If you don't learn these tricks you'll never be able to abuse the system.

They know evert trick in the book how to get something for nothing,that's why they will not work for a living,sad thing is they pass it on to their kids.

Disgraceful. Time was when the poor knew their place.

Time was when the poor would work themselves out of poverty,but not when they keep getting freebies,you must know they think people who donate are suckers.

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