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Only 8 Years For These Savages, What Is Going On?

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ToraToraTora | 13:05 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | News
16 Answers

scum should never see the light of day again.



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The usual Life that isnt life.

I agree the key should be thrown away.

Too many do gooders in this Country.

They may not.  They have been sentenced at HM Pleasure and 8 years is the minimum term they must serve before being eligible for release.

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They'll be out as soon as they are elligible, the trobiscites will see to that.

I don't understand some of the sentencing these days at all.

' Life with a minimum of 16 years' 

How can that be called a life sentence?😞

//and 8 years is the minimum term //

Yes, but do you honestly believe (unless they murder someone whilst in custody) they will serve a day longer in the current climate?

I do. There are many people in prison long after their minimum sentences.

I imagine they will be out in 8 yars, as were Venables and Thomson.

Tora, what are trobiscites?

I note that middle management seem to be expanding their fiedom, taking on a more editorial role in the day-to-day.

At least twice today already.

Yes, it's a damned disgrace that experts, so often wrong in their musings, sway the judicial system.

Thompson and Venables for this generation.

//There are many people in prison long after their minimum sentences.//

Yes, but generally becasue they committed crimes in jail.  Also how many of those were convicted as non adults?

how long does one get for armed robbery of a bank compared to murder.


//Tora, what are trobiscites?//


They're those things that hang down in caves Pete. Or is that trobismites?

young, I can't find those statistics but 'Children Rights International Network (CRIN, 2015) estimate that the figure serving at Her Majesty’s pleasure or other sentence over 14 years in duration is around 400'.  

I'm aware this link isn't current but is still informative.  Be aware it contains swearing.


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