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Green Matters C/D 14/12

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Cornishboy | 11:48 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

I know the closing date is a long way away but I have so many quizzes on the go at the moment I would like to make some headway with this one. All the questions/answers are linked to the colour green.

16. Connects green,people, like. (7)

53. Bent bone (10,8).

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.



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53 Greenstick Fracture

!6 - If the third word is lake, then emerald would connect?

Question Author

Thank you both. Never heard of 53. Knew of that type of fracture but not the name. 

Emerald could be correct as well as there is a word emeraldlike.

Thanks again.

I contacted to quiz setter about words being correct as I was struggling on question 16 but was told the words are correct. I had village if like was life!!!

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Green Matters C/D 14/12

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