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Good Morning Saturday Birds.

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Smowball | 08:11 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Good morning! Well, I woke up to blue skies after 2 days of solid torrential rain, though how long this will last good knows! Im still unable to touch my poor toe but it isn't throbbing as much....

MrSmow  is due home today after being away since Thursday. Hopefully he will miss all the delights of Londons wonderful train/underground delays on the way home! (It can take longer to go several miles across London than to go miles up North lately!)

Going to go online later and look at buying some more bath sheets - have become a dab hand at checking the GSM( higher the number - thicker & fluffier/more luxurious the towel). So a 200GSM towel will be pretty thin & a 700GSM will be gorgeously thick. Can't beat wrapping yourself in a huge warm fluffy bath sheet after a bath lol.

What are we all up to today then?x



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Good morning Smow from a freezing Aberdeen.Has there ever been such a cold summer as this?Have a nice day everyone.Brrrr.

Morning.  My husband said it's quite icy this morning.  Winter has come early.  We lit the fire last night.

Morning Smow and all.

M&S have some lovely high thread count Egyptian cotton bath sheets.  800GSM.  We have them and they wash very well.;prevPage=srp#intid=pid_pg1pip48g4r4c4

We are changing all our curtains to the winter ones this weekend, so it's going to be a fun time of climbing step ladders, washing the shorter curtains and lugging our enormous living room curtains to the launderette.  We know how to have a fun weekend. 

I will also be prepping the banger for the MOT and service.  Checking lights, tyre pressure, all the rest of it.  Hope the rain holds off

@08.18.Winter has come early for you Naomi(?),apart from a few odd days it has never left Scotland since last winter.Global warming?Aye,right.

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Morning guys! Yes I actually woke up to condensation on bedroom windows, because the temp had clearly dropped much lower outside than in. I almost put the heating on lastnight actually, but restrained myself lol.

Those towels look good barry - will have a proper look at them, you can't go far wrong with M & S!

Lovely sunny day here, what has become a normal day for us, packing boxes and cleaning.  Mr U is getting over zealous and trying to pack things I need to cook meals this week.

Out tonight with our great neighbours for an Indian, last chance we will get as they are so busy with their businesses and children.

They found our 96 year old neighbour wandering around confused yesterday, so along with the neighbours the other side of us we took it in turns to pop in to make sure he was eating and drinking.  GP has promised that emergency care will put in place today.  Fingers crossed.  I will pop in lunchtime and micro a fish pie we found in freezer. 


Good morning Smow and all. Glad your toe is feeling less painful. Quite chilly here in the Midlands,but no plans to go out. I have to shred all the excess paper work I sorted out yesterday. I do miss an open fire when you could just burn everything.Also remember from my childhood how good toast tasted done on a fork over the fire. Any one else got memeories of child hood food that you miss?

Good morning all. Glad the toe isn't throbbing so much Smow, its a blooming nuisance not being able to get about, hopefully your husband can give you a bit of TLC  when he gets back.

The sky is looking very ominous so I think its a quiet day in for me.  Have a happy day everyone

Thick toast made with a toasting fork over a coal fire and smothered in dripping is a fond childhood memory.  Also sandwiches made with pressed chitterlings and mustard.  Lovely grub.

ubass, I hope your neighbour does get the care he needs, it sometimes has to be fought for, sadly.

Barry can't you get yourselves a mobile launderette business such as I have?  One day I googled on a whim and up came several in my area.  I settled for a fortnightly service, it's collected on a Monday and returned on the Thursday and is charged at so much a kgm.  Usually works out between £25 - £35 a fortnight.  Think of all the electricity and water saved. Whether it's such a good deal for larger families I have no idea.  You could check your area.  It's brilliant not having damp washing hanging around;-)

ladybirder, we have an awful lot of laundry every day so it wouldn't be feasible to use a laundry service.  The launderette is a five minute walk away and I only use it for the large curtains and a king size duvet.  

I loved "dripping toast" with a bit of salt on it. Nowadays people would throw up their hands in horror, I suppose it was pure fat. Also we never had anything but Lurpak butter at home, imagine my horror when I went to college and was expected to use  margarine on bread!!! Margarine to me was what you used for baking. The other thing that comes to mind from childhood is open fires and freezing cold bedrooms in winter. I did not live in anywhere with central heating until I was in my late twenties and bought my first property. Can't imagine life without it now.

Morning all...ooops afternoon.

I can remember waking up to 'jack frost' having visited and seeing the lovely ice patterns on the windows. And our house was a new build that my parents moved to after the war. Everyone was moving from NYC and it's surrounding counties to what was then almost rural. House was probably cold because it was an experimental build from metal! 

I've just sorted the cat sitter for over Christmas when I go to my daughter's. Phew...she had just one slot left. Prices have gone up...she's charging extra for Christmas eve, day, boxing day. Ouch!

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Good Morning Saturday Birds.

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