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Recent Attacks On Labour

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Hymie | 23:44 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
38 Answers

There have been many threads on AB critical of Labour, echoing and amplifying the right-wing press’s nonsense attacks (which will no doubt continue).


If you want to know how things really are – take a listen to supertanskiii.


I appreciate many of you won’t bother, having been brainwashed by the right-ring press into believing only the corrupt/incompetent Tories should be trusted with running the country – but at least you would be more informed.




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As they have spent much of the last few years deriding various prime ministers over trivialities rather than recognise the pressures of pandemic, assorted wars, and the opposition from the EU over Brexit. It hardly surprises me that, when they are in power, they dont expect the same teatment they meted out.

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Hymie, I don't think many are watching your cheap rubbish videos.  If you want to convey a message it's probably best you make the effort to conduct a conversation.

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If you don’t watch the video, you are not in a position to critique its contents.

@08.45.Does Hymie make these"videos"in his garden shed?Looks awfy like it.

If you can't be bothered explaining it and we have seen enough of your past daft videos to know this will probably be equally silly, then maybe you should try another tack ...or just accept you're wasting your time.

It's by ................... LARRY & PAUL !!!!!!    Wow !!!!!

 are they your next-door neighbours Hymie?  

@09.22.I wonder if all three"cosy"up in Hymies garden shed,Khandro?😏

Have they smashed the people smuggling gangs yet....

Hymie posts all these videos because the content of them is how he forms his opinions. Without them he wouldn't have one. 

hymie: "If you don’t watch the video, you are not in a position to critique its contents." - we are, yours are all the same. However Naomi is correct, why not have a go at setting out your own arguments rather than those that puppet you?

I tried that one at the beginning of the thread TTT but it doesn't work.

Hymie, you haven't answered my question from yesterday.  Which of the attacks have been nonsense?

Its not your shed that Hymie and his"friends"are using to make these crap"videos"from is it shed man?

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The video is taking the pee out of Labour - I thought the right-wing Tories on AB would appreciate it.

....and we are all taking the pee out of you Hymie.Have a nice day,if you manage to get out of your shed.

I have enough tools in my shed so I don't need any more.

It's been discovered Starmer received a further £16k of freebie clothes - that's £36k.


Come on Labour supporters, be honest, you surely can't agree this is OK.

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