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Did You Know The Labour Front Bench Are Starting A Rock Band?

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ToraToraTora | 19:22 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

It's going to be called "Tool and the gang"!

Their first song is "Summer Madness"!




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And all the UK citizens theme tune will be-"We gotta get out of this place".

their second -" aint got  no money" - Bob Seger

The Tory prayers start "Lettuce Pray"

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19:36 Looks like Rosie Duffield already has!

Not surprised.I thought it was only the Tories"on the make"?Seems as if the Labour Party is now the party of the rich upper middle-classes.

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Did You Know The Labour Front Bench Are Starting A Rock Band?

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