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Eagles Concert On Now Sky Arts.......

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ToraToraTora | 18:28 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

.....take it easy! 🎵🎶



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What are Crystal Palace doing on there?

Actually, a friend of mine says that the guitar solo at the end of Hotel California, is the best guitar solo ever. I dunno. Is it?

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Well 10cs, there are many that are top drawer, I could not single any out but that one is certainly up there.

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fun fact: I watched Pawn stars this afternoon and they had a pair of Don Henley drum sticks on. On one of them the grip is on the wrong end, that's because he always played with one upside down! If you look closely you can see.

I saw them in Edinburgh.  They were amazing.

Hotel california is up there with  my favourite Guitar solos ( or is it a duet as it was last night).  I love a guitar's upthere with comfortably numb, Go Your oOwn Way, Purple Rain, Champagne Supernova, parisienne walkways, Shine on you crazy diamond, whisky in the jar....

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Eagles Concert On Now Sky Arts.......

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