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Guess Where Hassan Nasrallah Was When He Was Liquidated?

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ToraToraTora | 14:07 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | News
59 Answers

Yep on BBC news at 14:00 it announced that he was in a secure area underneath a civillian area. ....and they wonder why there is collateral damage. What gutless cowards they are.

"After warning residents to evacuate, the army said it targeted locations including weapons production facilities and storage sites that, it said, were under civilian housing. "



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Indirectly murdered by the Hamas terrorists on 7th October last year Peter.If only the terrorists had stayed in their tunnels under schools and hospitals that day.They didnt and have to accept all the blame for what has happened since.Sorry if that was not the reply you wanted.
19:43 Sat 28th Sep 2024

I wonder if Tora's real name's Hector.

> Are you happy or sad that this coward has been eliminated?

I am concerned about what happens next. There are not just two sides here, you know, Israel for or against. The situation and the world is more complicated than that. For example, a reasonable opinion is Jews fine, Palestinians fine, IDF bad, Netanyahu bad, Hamas bad, Hezbollah bad ...

-- answer removed --

Why would you say that?

From your previous postings defending this terrorist perhaps?

Nothing I've written said that. If you disagree, just quote what I've said that shows otherwise. Put up or shut up ...

You're in danger of being beaten by experience, Ellipsis.

 Indirectly murdered by the Hamas terrorists (BA)

no such crime except to AB liberals

I'm aware of the risk, thank you, douglas 😏 ...

Last word on this-"The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist".

What gutless cowards they are. - - - what bombing civilian populations and for example zeroing 15 000 children in Gaza in the past ?

oh sorry sorry you DIDN'T mean the IDF ! - my oops!

Last word on this-"The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist".

quite right ! a dead child cannot say " I was never a terrorist"

From your previous postings defending this terrorist perhaps?

it is clear from my posts that I am saying there are too many dead children in the Middle East.

And i am saying that all these dead children are an indirect result of the 7th October terrorist attack.If only the Hamas/Hez bo llah terrorists had stayed in their tunnels under hospitals and schools that day.

By the way i see the Hez bo llah terrorist movement has appointed a new leader.I give him three days before he goes up to get his 72 virgins.🤣

Some of you seem to be confusing Hamas and Hezbollah. They are separate terrorist groups who don't even like each other.

Hezbollah is a far serious threat to Israel than Hamas. They have an arsenal of 150,000 missiles and rockets, 45,000 trained fighters. Better equipped than many nation's armies. It is effectively a branch of Iran's army based in Lebanon and Syria.

Israel has always known it will have to deal with them one day to survive as a nation state

Ynna, is there a reason for you writing "hez-bo-llah" like you do with the spaces? Just curious.

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fiveleaves: "Some of you seem to be confusing Hamas and Hezbollah. They are separate terrorist groups who don't even like each other." - well hezbollah have been dragged into this by Hamas' party peice on 7 Oct. They'd be well advised to exterminate their own vermin in future might havce save them getting hammered by Israel themselves.

@15.30.Because last week i did a few joking postings about the Hezbollah terrorists getting their genitalia eviscerated.My postings were removed for no reason.Thats why i now describe them as Hez bo llah.

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