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Turmeric For Knee Pain

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Khandro | 07:46 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Health & Fitness
25 Answers

The manufacturers make quite upbeat claims for their pills.

Has anyone tried them, did they work, or do they go on the shelf next to the snake oil ?



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I would hesitate to take turmeric because of the contra indications. I saw the physio at my doctor's surgery about my knee pain and he gave me a steroid injection which has definitely improved things for me.

It's not the spice that's helpful.  It's circumin which is sound in turmeric. So you'd need to look for a supplement that is primarily circumin. I've been using one gor several months, and I'd say my experience is positive. And that's without taking the full dose.


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pasta; Which one have you been using ?

Khandro...I've been using this since August. Pricey but seems more effective than the previous type that I'd tried (by solgar, an excellent brand but didn't work for me).

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pasta; Thanks, but, 'This item cannot be dispatched to your selected delivery location.'  

I'll look for an alternative supplier or alternative. x

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Turmeric For Knee Pain

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