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The London Standard

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mjulian | 21:33 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

Wasn't sure which category this fitted into so apologise if wrong one.   Does anyone know where the print copy of the new paper can be found?   It says on the website - London and the outskirts but we can't find any in Chiswick or Hammersmith.



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Weed Smokers Dream - Smoking Time Jazz Club (one of my favouritr groups)

Sorry, wrong thread. :)))

"The London Standard will be available outside Tube stations, as well as in certain gyms, galleries, museums, theatres and private members’ clubs".


So your best chance of finding a copy might be to look in the free-sheet stands outside Tube stations.

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Yes, I read all that but really want to know exactly how far out their "outskirts" are!   We've looked at the local tube stations but can find nothing at all in our area.   If anyone has found any near Hammersmith or Chiswick area, I would be very grateful to hear.   Many thanks for any help.


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The London Standard

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