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Just Desserts ?

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Canary42 | 09:55 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

If folk will insist on leaving this wonderful country to venture into less sanitary locations, then they get their just desserts.  I just wish they wouldn't then bring it back here.      




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seems like a good destination for slimmers🤣

That can happen anywhere.

As an aside, I only discover recently that the expression is actually 'just deserts'.  Not a lot of people know that. 

Why are there so many posters on this site that have huge sour grapes about people who go on holiday abroad? It comes up at a regular occurrence.

I go on holiday because I like heat and like to swim in a clear warm sea. I don't want to sit on a UK beach where it's cost a fortune to park (if you can get in), the weather is rarely warm enough and always unpredictable and most of the sea is rolling waves of grey water when you can't see your feet.

Travel broadens the mind and  loosens the bowels

Happens all the time.

Just got back from Mallorca, no problems and I even had a vindaloo (tastes totally differnt out there)!

I was at Cape Verde over fifty years ago working. There was *** all there. How things change.

//Just got back from Mallorca,//

Were you targetted by the anti-tourism mob?

Brighton - now £33/day for parking according to the DT - who wants to go to a stony dump?

anyone who paids £33 for parking needs their bumps felt.

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