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Lizzes Quizzes (54)

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Proximus | 14:03 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Seemingly I'm way behind on this quiz. Help please for the following

6a Trapper's leather boot (8) to rhyme with Ptarmigan

7b Opposite (7) to rhyme with Tim

13a Can be spurred, fringed or closed (7)

13b South Atlantic island (9)

19b A character from the Simpsons (6,8) I thought to rhyme with withers 



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19b' Waylon Smithers

19b Waylon Smithers

7b antonym

19b Waylon Smithers

13a & b seen as gentian and Ascension 

6a might be larrigan which fits the definition but is only an approximate rhyme.

6a - Buckskin?

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Lizzes Quizzes (54)

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