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I Made It And It Was Easier Than I Thought.....

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ToraToraTora | 09:24 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

This is the last day of my dry September. I'm thinking about Carrying on now. I have no plans to go out till Friday anyway. I've missed the social interaction mainly. I never go to pubs and clubs etc when I'm on the wagon because they are so dull without a sherbet.



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Well done! I actually gave up alcohol completely about 5 months ago (purely because it was mixing badly with my meds) and it's amazing how many things revolve around it! Dinner/overnight  stay at the in-laws. Always a boozy  affair. This time everyone drinking apart from me, all finding everything on tv absolutely hilarious - apart from me lol...... the amount of tv ads that includes alcohol is unbelievable but u don't notice till you're  not drinking lol. 

You might as well carry on until Christmas. Who knows, you might decide not to bother then.  I used to drink a bit too much but haven't done so for months. 
I don't sleep well but alcohol makes it worse. 

Not an issue with me at all. Take it or leave it. I prefer to leave it.

Don't get me wrong, I miss my white wine, but I don't miss how I feel the nxt morning. My body just cannot cope with it anymore.

Well done!

I haven't touched strong drink since the 4th February.

When I'm having a meal in a pub I wash it down with sparkling water.

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Well done Sandy x

1. how much weight have you lost?

2. how much grey brain matter?

3. your bank account must be overflowing?

4. Sleep improvement?

5. Humour?



Hey, well done TTT

Well done!

Question Author


1. a Stone

2. No noticeable change

3. Yes, saved about a Monkey I reckon.

4. Not really never really had any problem there

5. I don't think there is much change but Er indoors may not agree with that.

Well done 3T 😁

My last drink was on the morning of the 19th of this month just before going into detox. Stayed alcohol free since.


Well done for sticking it out...

Question Author

Cheers Nailedit but it's a lot easier for me. I'm just a social drinker so I don't suffer if I stop. What you are attempting is lot more difficult, stick at it, we are all rooting for you

Cheers 3T...


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