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Azed 2728

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depresion | 18:47 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

11d Turkey, final piece including congealed last bit of breast? Right-on (12). I have ?????S?TT?N?. Thanks.



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Trendsetting - 'TR' (Turkey) + 'ending' (including) 'set' + '(breas)t' (last bit)


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Brilliant! Thank you both.

Question Author

The only thing I can now come up with for 5a -'2's dreadful with maths usually, as before ' is moshwatt  (an anagram),  which fits the interlocking letters but ....

What letters have you placed?

Mostwhat - mostly, Chambers.

Question Author

Thank you, but I think it's an old spelling of that term (as before) although you have confirmed my answer (I hope!). People on this site are so kind.

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Azed 2728

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