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Clue Chain 8

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Canary42 | 20:22 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Crosswords
772 Answers

Starting Clue Chain 8 - all welcome 😊

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-made clue which everybody is invited to solve.  The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue, easy or cryptic.  If nobody has answered the clue within 30 minutes, the setter should post a further hint and so on until the clue is solved.


Pass student is leading to a charged particle crash (9)



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Correct, Dusty 😃

Breed of dog with fifty will fill a gap 4


Correct Mr j5

thank you

sometime during his lifespan is he was European ? (7)


Spanish is correct hidden in the clue 😊

Fresh water fish will go in working with wood.(9)

Question Author

Carpentry ?


Yes Johnny 😃 

thank you 

Neal affected with bad gas from his meal (7)

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Clue Chain 8

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