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One In Ten People Have No Friends ...

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naomi24 | 12:49 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
41 Answers

... according to a new poll.  Two thirds of adults want to make more and a quarter are lonely.   Younger people have more friends.  A fifth of adults say they suffer from social anxiety and find small talk difficult.  Do you recognise yourself in that lot?



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How many polled?

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I've no idea.

There was an interview of a lady of 103 years a few weeks back. The question they put to her was, whats would your advice be to a long and happy life? Her answer was, stay away from other people. on ...and a big lock on the gates!

Bits of it ring true (not the headline bit).   

Whose poll was it (some have badly skewed sampling).

Small talk seems to be a catchall for the telly and football, you don't dare venture an opinion on anything of the slightest importance any more for fear of being reported and shut down.

Meeting new people more often than not exposes you to a wimpy dweeb or a complete mentalist so I stick with those I know and actively avoid those who might want to be a friend for fear I catch whatever has infected the country.

I think the poll may be a wee project for Phil Space though.


Yes, I see myself in that. I only have 2 friends and although we speak on the phone, I haven't seen them for years, and yes I get very lonely since I had to give up driving and can no longer go out anywhere unless one of my daughters takes me.

All my cousins have now passed away or live over 200 miles away. The only other people I see are 2 of my neighbours who call around occasionally.

Normally a poll will say how many/ percentage of people asked.??

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nicebloke1, I haven't seen the poll - just a report of it - and it didn't mention numbers.  I posted this in Chatterbank not for the Third Degree but for the purpose of ... chat.

Chat with me then Naomi. Nobody has chatted to me today.

If my arithmetic is correct,you would need 60 people (or a multiple thereof) to produce whole numbers for a quarter, two thirds, and a fifth.

OK, I should get out more (but it's difficult when you can't drive)

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Have you no nice neighbours, Barsel?

King Charles' favourite group naomi, the Three Degrees 😀

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Thanks Corby,  I just read it somewhere and thought it might be a good topic for Chatterbank. 


The king has excellent taste, Canary.

I share your frustration re not driving Barsel, it does curtail socialisation. I know this probably makes me sound like a desperate saddo, but I compensate by regular bus trips into town for breakfast, lunch or tea at the same café where a cheery word with the friendly staff or regular patrons lifts the gloom. (Apparently this makes me a ROMEO - not what you think, but Retired Old Men Eating Out).


Yes naomi, I share HM's taste there.

Naomi, The majority of my neighbours are lovely but 5 of them are men who live on their own and might get the wrong idea. There are only a few women I would invite in for a cuppa occasionally as they seem to moan about their husbands most of the time.

I mentioned them in my post @ 1.04 pm.

Lol Canary. I can't even go on the bus as I'm waiting for a knee replacement which won't be until next year.

Daren't go out on my own in case my knee gives way and I have a fall. 

I don't mind not having to go out when the weather is bad though.

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Have you thought of joining an on-line forum, Barsel?  

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