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Kettering And District Samaritans Quiz (Closes 31St October )

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galasalmon | 20:35 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Help please .Link words in alphabetical order .

8/ Away Able Ten 

9/ Own Less Mouth 

11 Deck Boat Hand 

14/ Nut Back Way 

17/ School Thresh Man 

Thank you .



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What is the answer to No.7 as it will give a clue to the next initial letter?

17 Old school, thresh-old, Old man?

14. Hatch

nuthatch hatchback hatchway

11 deck gun ....gun boat ....hand gun?

9.  Goal

own goal, goalless, goal mouth

8   Fold

Question Author

Sorry haven't got 7 which is Ear Less Leg but 6 is dies and 8 is I think Fold 

Tha nos for help .

7 dog?

7 end

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Kettering And District Samaritans Quiz (Closes 31St October )

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