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Do I Need To Notify My Uk Bank Of An Intended Trip To Spain?

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jourdain2 | 21:17 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | Travel
4 Answers

Hi, I never have had to do this before, but I haven't travelled abroad since about 2019 so things may have changed.

Just asking because when I went  to Italy I used a French Euros card and it was refused at the cash machines - so I had to borrow from my sister, whose Eng. card worked.

Off to Spain with her on the 20th and just had an 'I wonder me?' thought.  Things have changed quite a lot.

Thanks in advance.  :)



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I use my UK card everywhere in Portugal. Some ATMs are programmed for a 6 number PIN but you just put in the 4. Sometimes you might have to sign the receipt. All terminals in shops accept PIN free purchases to your card limit. It is better to "refuse conversion" ar ATMs

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Thanks very much.  I didn't think it could have changed too much, but with the nasty feeling after tryingto use the French 'euro' card - I thought I'd check.

I would just in case they think the worst!

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Also good advice, Sharon - they do tend to think the worst.

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