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Party Game - Stations

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Dollie | 22:47 Thu 02nd Mar 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Can anyone remember how to play this old game. You write the name of stations on a piece of card and stick them to the back of doors all around the house. The players have to go from one door to another to look for a particular station in some sort of order ?? I played it as a girl but can't remember the sequence of the game and what exactly you have to achieve at the end - can anyone remember please?


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remember playing this at school,we all stood in the middle of the room ,then ran to which ever station we wanted to,the name of a station was picked out one by one til the last station was the winner. Not sure if it's the same game?

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No Metz it isn't - but thanks a lot anyway - I also remember doing that running game and calling out station names - but sadly its not the game I'm on about.Cheers

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Party Game - Stations

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