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Kung Fu email game

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tootheye | 17:37 Wed 25th Jun 2003 | Technology
5 Answers
I used to play a game via email that was a kungfu type thing. You challenged someone, put in your moves, sent the prog to them, they put in their moves and you were then sent a link that showed your fight. Does anyone know what it was called ?


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I remember it... Ithink you can find it on the FHM site under their 100 grgeatest games, I see if it's there
Yeah, it is called Battlemail... or possible even Battlemail Kung-Fu. I think that Siemens phones have the game on their handsets. The web address will be something like
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BattleMail Kung-Fu was a web and email-based RPG fighting community until 2009. Although the page takes about two to three minutes to load, the game guide can still be viewed.

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