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Agriword 1282

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Trayc5 | 21:13 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

1d, such beastly transport can clearly trot around(6,5)CATTLE,----Y?

15a, One can't bid lower than this for half of one's pitch and putt equipment(3,4)--E, ----?

13d, Many awkward , ungainly lads struggle initially to form these in rugby(5)----S?

12d, Tgis cegetable might dispel bacteria, Hon.(7,4)H--I--T,-E-N?



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12d, *This vegetable ( sorry)

1    Cattle lorry anag

12 Haricot bean - anagram

13. mauls  (initial letters in clue)

13 Mauls - first letters of words in clue

15 One club  - lowest bid in bridge

12 haricot bean

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Thank you all for your answers , its greatly appreciated .

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Agriword 1282

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