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Israel Or Ukraine?

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Untitled | 06:42 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | News
19 Answers

a military analyst at sky news has observed that israel relies on Patriot missiles for its air defence... yet there is also a huge need for them in ukraine. the USA has about 2,000 of them. 

at some point the US government will have to choose which country gets priority for missile supplies.

which should come first in your view? Israel or Ukraine? 



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I'd insist on Israel paying for an equal number for Ukraine and themselves.

I'd ask the manufacturers to increase production and get both to pay for their own.

From a US perspective, Israel has to come first.   

No right or wrong answer really, although if I had to make a choice between the eradication of Israel's enemies or the eradication of Mad Vlad, I'd choose the cleaning of the Kremlin, as he's the one who poses the most danger to us.

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These are very expensive missiles and both need a lot of them... somewhere between $4 million and $10 million per missile according to wiki

i suspect accusations of anti semitism might start to fly if they asked israel to pay for them!!

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why must israel come first sinead?

Who says there has to be a choice?

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the fact that there are only so many missiles

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according to wiki the US has about 1,000 of them for their own missile defences and keeps 500 in reserve.. leaving 500 available for export or military aid. 

they could split them evenly i suppose... but both israel and ukraine will say that isn't enough

make more then

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you seem to be evading the question dave. even if they order more missiles from Raytheon (happy day for them) then they will need to decide where to send them

so... preference to israel, preference to ukraine or even split? which would be preferable? 

Neither. When there are conflicts that a nation wishes to get involved in, at the level of arms supply to allies, then it's production level should already be sufficient to cover those needs. If it isn't presently able to achieve that then it is failing to resource it's military requirements properly and must correct that as an immediate priority.

it's not one or the other is it. You are just trying to get your terrorist mates off the hook.

//as he's the one who poses the most danger to us.//

I'm not sure about that, you are ignoring the real danger of extreist Islam, many who are also wlking amongst us.  One call from the masters in Iran.....

//according to wiki //


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this isn't coming from me. it's a question posed by Sky News' military analyst... who seems to be of the view that if it comes down to it then israel will get preference.

what is your view toratoratora? do you really think the west can fully back both israel and ukraine at the same time? if it can't then which should it prioritise? 

don't avoid the question just because it's difficult. 

Israel should get preference they are the rentokil for us all. However it's not an either or. The yanks will produce more anyway and there's plenty of other kit they can give Ukraine.

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unless israel wants it of course 

The question posed is clearly not relevant. US Jewish voters will apply pressure but since they are divided on the conflict it may prove less overall pressure than would otherwise be the case.

A better discussion might be on why all US president contenders, plus the existing president, are so lukewarm on allowing Ukraine to use donated weaponry as they need to in order to start making gains rather than moving slowly backwards.

Why does Israel have to come before Ukraine?  Well, as you know the Americans have supported Israel particularly since the 60's and the relationship has been beneficial to both nations- economic, strategic and military-wise.   From a US point of view, Ukraine is just another foreign war in Europe.  Yes, they have and continue to support Ukraine, but they're not top priority.

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