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You Can't Beat A Bit Of Bully!

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Ken4155 | 09:20 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers

ITV is to screen a Christmas Special episode of Bullseye, hosted by Freddie Flintoff, over the Christmas period.

It is hoped that a series will follow.



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Wot a load of carp! 

👍 I hope they update the prizes though. On the re-runs "Bully's Prize Board" is the best laugh of the show!

Look what you could have won

They will be bringing back The Golden Shot next.  Up a bit, left..

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One man's meat is another man's carp, Piggy.

Come on Ken it was pants!!

'' and Bully's special prize - a 12' feet motor boat '

But I live in Birmingham and I'm on job seekers allowance !!!!

But sadly, my friend Tony Green will not be in the programme, as he died in January this year. 

Tony was an excellent dart thrower himself, as good as any that were around in his day, but he could make more money in management and promotions, so he took that path instead of playing the tour.

Greeet Smashin sooper 😂

It doesn't bode well for the futue of television when they're constantly returning to 30/40 year old programmes and bringing them up to date. Is there no originality left in this area, are we doomed to "Last of the summer wine" etc, repeats for the next 40 years?

While I wish it luck, it was looking a bit stale previously. It may not be able to continue offering less than wonderful prizes these days, and one wonders how Freddie will make it interesting.

I liked the Golden Shot, but I doubt one could a) recreate the personalities that made it, nor b) get permission from H&S to run it.

There was no danger in The Golden Shot. 
TTT, the catchphrase was 'super, smashing, great'

I watched a couple of the old ones recently.  Quite entertaining and without all the manic hysteria that accompanies many of the game shows now so that in itself is welcome.    I remember reading that Jim Bowen never really listened to anyone though, once asking a a contestant how he/she was and they said something awful had happened to them - it might have been that someone had died.  Jim continued in his usual breezy way with 'Super, smashing!' - and got on with the show.  Very funny.  

Perhaps Jim Bowen was taught by a certain greater London radio presenter who said on air "Cheer up. It's a sunny day and we're talking about cancer"

Oh good grief!  

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