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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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Smowball | 09:04 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

A hint, and I mean a hint, of a blue sky here! Better than wall to wall grey rain clouds anyway! Well it's Friday already again - can't believe it. Been a busy week and so hoping for a slightly quieter weekend. Have got our window cleaner turning up this morning - he's 80, doesn't even own a mobile phone and so  no messaging him last min to say somethings come up and could he skip this week lol. He rings a couple of days before. Or the day before, from his landline to confirm you'll be in on said day. Always makes me laugh when he is asked why on earth he is still doing this at 80, and he says ' I married a younger woman! ' ( he still has an 18 yr old son at college!). Am sure he was day dreaming of cosy relaxing days at 80 watching nonsense on tv or  out and about doing whatever he fancies, not whizzing up and down ladders with a sponge and bucket! 

So what's everyone's Friday plans?x



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Morning, Smow.  Your pensioner window cleaner can't claim Pension Credit as his wife is too young - he has to make up the shortfall somehow.  


'Morning, Smow. Brilliant sunshine here - too brilliant - we've had a frost! Off to writing group in a minute, then leafleting, then another rush at tea-time because it is our village Harvest Festival at 6.00p.m. (big afair in a rural community).  Must dash, have a good day everyone....

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Morning Jourdain - busy bee! Lol

Hi Barry - yep, that's true. Luckily he's so fit and healthy at his age lol!

Retirement could have killed him off, Smow, I've known it happen. 

I love harvest festivaj, jourdain

Off to dentist, bright sushine at the moment and washing out.

Normal day for us now, packing boxes, had so many appointments this week we have got a bit behind, plus so many people wanting to see us before we go.

If we are ready for removal company on Tuesday it will be a miracle.

How's the toe now?

Good Morning. Bright (slightly hazy) sun here.  Today's plan, emulsioning walls of toilet.

Good morning all. Lovely bright sunshine here but a frosty feel in the air. Prefer this to grey rainy days anytime! Your window cleaner seems a right old character, Smow! 😆

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Barry- I can well believe it. MrSmow for example - he is a workaholic. That's just the way he is, but he runs his own company. Now he is only 52, so just a baby lol, but I cannot see him ever 'retiring'. I think he'd go nuts!! 

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Ubasses - so you're on the home straight panicking wise then?? All systems go! How exciting.(toe is actually still as painful as day I did it! But bruising has almost gone)

Hi canary - ohh I'm desp to start some decorating, I just keep looking at rooms and saying I'll start that next week...... ; )

Patsy - our window cleaner is old school as in he says what he thinks with absolutely no filter. For example I've been really miserable the last 6 months as my doctor put me on very high daily doses of steroids for medical reasons, and I've put on almost 3 stone in less than 6 months. I would never have believed it was possible.... anyway, he turned up a couple of months ago , I open the door and the very first thing he said was " Hi, ooh you ok? You look like you've put on weight - your face is fat! ".  Cheers , thanks for that!! LOL.


Morning Smow and all, blue skies and sun here in the Midlands. Good drying day so a chance to get the bedding changed. Recovering from a painful ear and throat infection, and I actually got a next day doctors appointment. We have a drop in centre you can visit but you have to be prepared to sit and wait. I have used it before now and if you are feeling that terrible it is a godsend. How people in rural areas manage I cannot imagine. I have found a dropd in centre locally where you can go to get help with digital problems I think I will pay a visit to talk about a smart phone as I need to update my mobile - wish me luck as I am a bit of a Luddite!

Good morning, bright and sunny here but only 7º at the moment.
Got to wait in for postie to pick up an Amazon return package, mind you I don't think I actually NEED to go  out for anything.
Enjoy your day whatever you're doing :)

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Morning calda/ ferlew! Yes I've just put some washing out - one of the most simple pleasures is washing out on a dry sunny day lol. 
I'm waiting for a couple of Amazon parcels to arrive today actually. Don't know if we get the same courier every time as in he always does our road, but he is always on the dot re the tracking times etc, never had a complaint so far.

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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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