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Misleading Information

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New Judge | 11:51 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | Motoring
12 Answers

In this thread:

Which has for some reason been closed, I made it clear that misleading information was being published by solicitors and others. As Corby has highlighted, even National Highways are at it:

"If you are stopped by the police and found with illegal tyres, you could receive a £2,500 fine and 3 penalty points per tyre."

You couldn't because the law doesn't allow it.

Is it a good idea to fool motorists with this (and much more) misleading information? Or is it irresponsible?



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What time has the police to be stopping and monitoring that ? Have they solved all the robberies and thefts then ?

If it is as you say, it is the start of a slippery slope. Deceit of the public, even if trying to improve a situation, gives a green light to act as a politician anywhere and everywhere. Not the sort of society we should be trying for.

A two and a half year old press release. Perhaps the fact it doesn't apply could be why the thread was closed.

/What about other things - for example driving with only one number plate light working ?//

I asked the above question on the other thread 

What is the police position on this ?

Playing the persecuted victim card again OG ?  

Robberies and thefts cause significantly less injuries and deaths than drivers, so personally I would rather they prioritised the latter.

//What is the police position on this ?//

Probably sitting in their patrol car and munching on a burger.

I emailed the RAC press office (I know) they said they will check their website & correct any errors.

I'm confused what is the misleading information? Is it not a fine + points for a bald tyre?

yes but not X4 for 4 bald tyres (apparently)

"Than drivers" is a very large grouping. Not just tyre pressures then. How much good do you think such checks would achieve ?

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Misleading Information

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