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The Rules On Posting On Here ?

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notnutnut | 12:36 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | Law
9 Answers

In my question about probate I noticed that second answer to my question was only there for a short while before it was removed, was it admin or the original poster who removed it please ? My second question is that I posted a reply to one of the answers but cannot see it in the thread ? Has it been removed or have I posted it in the wrong place somehow please ? Thank you.



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The mods/EDs never proactively notify or explain their actions - you have to contact Ed and ask.

Read this quickly, it may also be removed.

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How do I make contact with them please ?

Contact Us at very bottom of the page.


I saw that post - it was not very nice! A Mod obviously removed it accordingly

Hello notnutnut, I removed the post because someone was being very rude to you.  


Your missing reply either wasn't posted at all or it was posted in the wrong place.  If you check your answers in your profile you might find it elsewhere.  

Canary, //The mods/EDs never proactively notify or explain their actions//


Clearly we do - when it's appropriate.  

Question Author

Thank you all for that and Naomi for the removal, I was a bit baffled as to how I'd offended anyone, I never asked my mother for anything, my siblings upset her was all. I'm pretty thick skinned so didn't bother me, I'll look for my missing post later, thanks again.

Partial quote taken out of context - misleading (unless you don't understand proactively)

notnutnut, some people just seem to like posting nasty responses - no offence necessary.  Don't worry about it.

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