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Want To See Some Vermin Wriggle?

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ToraToraTora | 13:48 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | News
2 Answers

Apparently they'd all read the Geneva convention! Right oh!



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It is a problem without a solution, but I do try to rationalise it and see both sides.

When I was in the Egyptian Canal Zone at RAF Fayid 1954/55 there was a man, Gerry, who pushed a small cart around the camp selling ice cream. Gerry was a very angry man. "I'm a Palestinian," he would say, "but I'm not allowed back into my own country."

Over the years I've tended to admire the Israelis. *In very simplistic terms*, they are the resourceful people who made the desert bloom as opposed to the Arabs whose philosophy, sitting in the shade of a palm tree used to be "It is the will of Allah."

After WWII, tens of thousands of white Europeans were welcomed into a land then called Palestine and are the ones still in power. But the Gerrys of the area, some 70 years later still have no hope of a return to their land.

So whilst the brutality of the raid is unforgivable, it is understandable.

//So whilst the brutality of the raid is unforgivable, it is understandable.//

And so is the response. You reap what you sow.

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