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How Can A Silent Killer Be Undetected For Years?

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renegadefm | 22:29 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
9 Answers

Had a bit of a shock yesterday. 

I had to have an mot at the doctor's before they would book me an appointment to see the authopedic nurse. 

The mot involves measurements of my height, weight, and blood pressure. 

So the doctor proceeded to do the blood pressure test, I didn't look at the readings as she did them, but she done 3 tests, then looked at me and said are you sure your feeling ok, to which I replied yeah I feel fine. Then she said have you ever had head aches, or feeling dizzy, pains in the chest recently, I said no none of those. 

So she went onto explain I got to give you some medicine to take when you get home, its a course of tablets because your blood pressure is high enough to trigger a stroke or heart attack. 

I think the readings on average were 172 over 93. Worse one was 163 over 100.

But it made me think how many people are walking about not realising they have high blood pressure without realising it. 

I'm not over weight or anything, I don't smoke. I only drink alcohol on my days off work. I like to think I have a balanced diet. 


Hopefully the tablets will bring it down, but its a shock to myself. 



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Rene if I was in your position I would buy a basic ONROM Blood Pressure Monitor and take a BP test regularly at home.  If you set your equipment up and sit quietly for 5 minutes and then take a reading it will probably be a lot less than one taken at the surgery.  I usually take three readings a few minutes apart.  Some surgeries will even lend you a monitor for a few...
23:22 Fri 04th Oct 2024

If nobody investigates, then nobody can find out how ill a person is. Some people don't want to exactly know their physical, unseen problems. It's just something to worry about (and they will say that they have quite enough to worry about, thanks very much!).

Maybe a case of what is known as white coat syndrome when blood pressure readings are high when you are in the surgery and normal when at home - I have experienced this even although I was not particularly worried about the tests.

If the cause can't be identified & corrected then I suspect your "course" will be extended indefinitely. I've been on tablets for many years.

Me too OG.

Cut down on your salt and increase your exercise.


Even with that you will join the rest of us taking a daily tablet.

Rene if I was in your position I would buy a basic ONROM Blood Pressure Monitor and take a BP test regularly at home.  If you set your equipment up and sit quietly for 5 minutes and then take a reading it will probably be a lot less than one taken at the surgery.  I usually take three readings a few minutes apart.  Some surgeries will even lend you a monitor for a few weeks.

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Thanks, luckily we have a monitor, but I sat calmly this evening and sadly they haven't dropped. 

I have started the course of treatment, but I was just so surprised really as I do have quite an active lifestyle and love walking. 


I think what made me think is if it wasn't for the random request of an mot, this would have gone on undetected, and God knows what it could lead to. 

Plus having a blood pressure check isn't something people do. Millions of people could unknowingly have high blood pressure. 


It was quite a wake up call. 

lots of people have high BP with no particular cause, and without symptoms to investigate you don't get a chance to find out. The risks rise as you get older. Anyway, you've caught it and you can take action. You're not being punished for anything except ignorance, shared by very many people.

Take your own BP, then relax for a couple of minutes and do it again. Or best of three if you like.

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Thanks, and I will admit one thing, I do put too much salt on my meals, so I have to cut that out straight away. 


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