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What Exactly Is Ai

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renegadefm | 23:20 Tue 14th May 2024 | Technology
10 Answers

Ok I understand AI is short for Artificial Intelligence. 


But what do we really understand about it, and how do we expect it to affect our lives. 


My understanding of AI all be it not that MUCH, is it takes something from a past tence and alters it to suite how we want to bend the real event, like altering a photo.


But why is so much energy used which really is a danger to our environment just to change reality?


Why are we allowing this to take over our lives?


Can you imagine if AI could influence future things like the weather, we would have counties, even countries fighting over how much sunshine we should have or rain in drought areas.


No one likes the cold weather right,  so could AI make cold grey days a thing of the past?


How long before this AI bubble bursts? 



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The first thing is that it's the wrong name. There is no intelligence in computers. None. The correct name would be Psuedo (giving the appearance of) Intelligence. Essentially exponential advancements in hardware, processing power and storage space mean that software can now be coded to do things that could never be achieved before. New algorithms have been devised that the hardware can now support. Old algorithms that previously could not have been coded practically now can be. AI is a wrong and poor name but I suppose we are stuck with it.

Artificial intelligence is as good a name as pseudo intelligence - pseudo is a synonym for artificial. 

AI cannot change the nature, it can't do anything that mankind can't do but who knows how it will develop.  We're stuck with the weather for now


To answer your question: 

AI encompasses much more than just altering photos or manipulating past events. It's a broad field of computer science focused on creating systems that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. This includes things like learning, problem-solving, language understanding, and perception.

The impact of AI on our lives is significant and multifaceted. It's already influencing various sectors such as healthcare, finance, transportation, entertainment, and more. AI has the potential to improve efficiency, enhance decision-making, and unlock new possibilities in many areas.

Concerns about energy consumption in AI are valid. Training large AI models can indeed require significant computational resources, which in turn consume energy. Efforts are being made to develop more energy-efficient algorithms and hardware to mitigate this issue.

Regarding your worries about AI taking over our lives, it's essential to consider the balance between the benefits and risks. AI technologies can empower individuals and organizations, but there are also ethical, privacy, and societal implications that need to be addressed. Responsible development and regulation of AI are crucial to ensure its positive impact on society.

As for AI influencing future events like weather patterns, while AI can be used for weather forecasting and climate modeling, controlling or influencing the weather is currently beyond its capabilities. Weather patterns are complex phenomena influenced by various factors, and predicting or controlling them entirely is still a significant challenge.

Regarding your question about eliminating cold and grey days, while AI can't directly control the weather, it can contribute to efforts in climate research, renewable energy optimization, and environmental conservation, which may indirectly affect weather patterns over time.

The "AI bubble" you mentioned may refer to the hype surrounding AI technologies. While there's indeed a lot of excitement and investment in AI, there's also ongoing research and development to address challenges and realize its potential fully. Like any technology, AI will continue to evolve, and its impact on society will depend on how it's developed, deployed, and regulated. (Answer courtesy of ChatGPT)

barry1010:"Artificial intelligence is as good a name as pseudo intelligence - pseudo is a synonym for artificial. " - no it's not "artificial" means unnatural but still doing the same thing. EG: Artificial inesemination produces the same thing as natural insemination. In computing there is thus far and probably never will be any intelligence, thus Psuedo is the correct prefix.

But is there any thing as real intelligence, or is it simply your wetware synthetically simulating it and confusing you ?

Well OG I guess that is a post in its own right but generally intelligence is defined as the ability to perceive and learn. No one knows how the brain achivies that bit it does achieve a conciousness that no machine has ever managed. Computers can be given the ability to appear to do it they do not really do it. When I first started in what was at the time computer science, we learnt to think of a computer as TOM, Totally Obedient Moron. That has not changed.

As pointed out above (and by me on other threads) we do not have Articial Intellligence, currently we have something that is very clever but is nothing more than algorithms and is being marketed by big thech as AI as that sells it better.

For true AI the computer will have to mimic the human brain, currently we are way off that.

It will come and it is right to understand the advantages and disadvantages, not that you can do a thing to stop it.

To directly address your questions:

//But why is so much energy used which really is a danger to our environment just to change reality?//

Ah the 'climate change' scam.  Energy can be generated very cleanly if we have a mind to do it so the question is mute.

/Why are we allowing this to take over our lives?/

Would you have been at the spinning Jenny with a cudgel? It's not taking over our lives but is supplementing it.  There are dangers but that is down to the humans using it (Google for one) rather than the mahine itself.

/Can you imagine if AI could influence future things like the weather, we would have counties, even countries fighting over how much sunshine we should have or rain in drought areas./

How would a machine control Nature. The Dell Latitude Canute laptop maybe?

//No one likes the cold weather right,  so could AI make cold grey days a thing of the past?//


//How long before this AI bubble bursts? //

The bubble of the falsley named AI will burst when it starts becoming real AI.  Some time yet.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include problem-solving, learning, understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, and making decisions, enabling machines to simulate cognitive functions and improve over time through experience.

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