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Importance Of Chagos?

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Atheist | 11:51 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | News
10 Answers

Can anyone here explain why Chagos is so important for the safety of the UK?

I didn't manage to post in 'Politics'. I hope it's OK in 'News'.



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the importance of Chagos is the military base on Diego Garcia. and its importance (to the UK) is in helping to secure trade routes across the Indian Ocean, more so since the Red Sea/Suez route is no longer available.

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Thanks mush...

I thought the military base was USA. How would we be affected?

Some people don't realise we no longer have an overseas empire 

Having or not having an empire has B all to do with it. There are various world powers and alliances, some are not very nice and need containing. Giving them free reign in an area where one previously had a presence, is not a wise move. Nor, for what matter, is listening to pronunciations from a less than respected organisation these days, and deciding to give away your own territory, without even consulting the citizens, as a gift to another nation, let alone then paying them to allow an allied nation to retain it's base there. One wonders is anyone really thought about it all beforehand.

OG, what practically, will change regarding the Chagos Islands and the UK's role in administration of them?

I don't think the UK will be administering the islands any more.  Just paying an undisclosed sum of money to maintain a military base on one of them.

nothing will change. the only thing on the islands is a US military base and the americans aren't going to relinquish that. who in the UK was truly bothered about our in-name-only "ownership" of these distant islands? I certainly wasn't and i don't really believe anyone else was either. 

it's just a bunch of cynical tories pretending to care about something because labour have done it. pathetic. 

It'll be under another nations' control and they can change whatever they chose to.  And pally up with whatever dodgy empire they think suits them. Seems a big enough change to me. If one wants to retain a sphere of influence one shouldn't pass control elsewhere.

untitled, you're mistaken.  Read my link at 12.21.

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