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Why Are Abers So Picky

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Canary42 | 16:34 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
21 Answers

It seems to me that some are always poised ready to pick holes in a post rather than provide a rational response.

Is it :-

      (a) Arrogance

      (b) Low self esteem

      (c)  Sanctimony

      (d)  Trolling



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It may be the links from Yahoo triggering.

(a) Arrogance. It's the 'I know better than you' syndrome.

Well you seem to be the worst at this type of thing Canary.Perhaps you can answer your own query yourself?

I think it's down to being argumentative. 

There are several contrarians who cannot help themselves they just make themselves look silly pointing out irrelevant typos etc because in reality they have no contribution to make. The worst one is a mod!

I agree with TTT, some people look at any post and think, 'How can I contradict this ?'

No they don't.

Oh yes they do

Some people are too fond of their own 'voices'

If AB had a blanking facility you could blank out the posts of folks whose opinions you don't wish to read.

(I could name a few of mine!)

I have to agree with ynna, I have you down as one of the most acidic posters Canary (interspersed with some very occasional sympathetic and caring responses). Maybe you don't realise??

for me it must be trolling. "Foo!" and " walla walla fing fang " just makes me see red.

oh, and the possy one liners from the mods which seem to survive all waves of serial deletion. Even tho the sensible comments have gone down the jarn hours ago.


As could I 

There is a good example here at 16:33 TCL asks a question just to be annoying the answer is given directly above.

TTT, some people look at any post and think, 'How can I contradict this ?'

erm yeah guilty as charged. The post, as read, is obvious rubbish and the quickest way is to find a counter-example.

as a fr'instance ( before ABers en masse insist "I never said that!") - if an innocent AB states - all dogs have three legs, then an allowable counterexample is " I saw a four legged dog only today"

am I taking this thread too seriously ?

Using TTT's cited example - I note " we keep getting blocked by our own trobiscites." (1)

god knows who THEY are - and I find it very difficult not to ridicule such recurring stupidity with a  matching " foo danga danga. wibbly wobbly woo! Foo!" (2)

nay not stupidity - gormless ness. Discriminating ABers will see that (1) is as meaningless as (2)


Anyway the simple answer is that some posts & posters fully deserve to be picked on - so there!

stop it with the abuse PP.

yessir !  can you um stop it with the rhyming mockney? ( this is NOT a quid pro quo)

Were you born a complete April or did you have training?

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