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Yvette Cooper Wilfully Dodges The Point

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douglas9401 | 14:54 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | News
32 Answers

She does know what her job entails I suppose, I mean SOMEBODY must have pointed out the basics to her.

"UK Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said the deaths were "appalling", and that "criminal smuggler gangs continue to organise these dangerous boat crossings"."



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Or short-sightedness is a possible explanation.

The simplest way is to get France to agree to us shipping them straight back. If they did then they would not even bother going to France. 



A Stanley knife is the easiest solution. 

That said, there is no solution because the Labour government just like the Conservative government don't give a ***.

We are in for some bad times in the non too distant future.

P & O are awaiting a call!!

Has the UK government asked the Republic of Ireland government o return asylum seekers who have crossed the border from Ulster?


They might do if they can then be returned to France who in turn could return them to their last k own country....and so on.

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Things might be simpler if we stick to the point.

The French have got rid of these scum from France to the UK,the UK has got rid of these scum to ROI,cant the ROI just return these scum to France to start the recycle all over again?

I always thought the reason people voted for Brexit was to take back control of Britains borders and stop immigration . What happened to all those promises made by ...Him!

DOUGLAS, I am sticking to the point.

If the French should be telling us to return immigrants leaving France, should we not be doing the same for those crossing the UK/ROI border?

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That's a different point you're sticking to.

I think you are missing the point here TCL.Both the UK and the ROI should be returning these chancers back to France and then the French can return them to whatever sheeite-hole country they originated from.It isnt rocket science.

Re: the OP.  Do you think that anyone has told Yvette Cooper that her job is not to bemoan the facts - but to stop the crossings?

I'm serious.  Some Sir H. types will have said something like '.. and then there is the problem of the boats, Minister, but no-one has managed to find a solution as yet and we are negotiating hard with the French to encourage them to do something to justify the millions of euros we have sent them.  Alas! They have failed us yet again.   On our own we can do very little - perhaps a new agreement with a guarantee from M. Macron that the money we send will be used effectively? Best we can do really, just smooth it over until we get some resolution.'

How far wrong am I?

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