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The One Time I Hope Boris Is Telling The Truth.

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gulliver1 | 10:11 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | News
27 Answers

Boris Johnson says Keir Starmer is determined to rejoin the EU, and it will be a disaster for the UK..The disgraced ex Tory PM also says Starmer is prepared to put the Brexit years behind us ahead of meetings with Ursula von der Leyen and more European Parliament members.Go for it Sir Keir. Get the UK back into the EU.United we stand divided we fall.



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The only disaster that the UK is still suffering from is the last 3 con PMs, Boris needs to go and play on the beach with his bucket and spade because no one is listening to his waffle any longer. Just do what you have to do SK to limit the damage done by these past 3 idiots.
10:59 Mon 07th Oct 2024

Your usual I see gulliver start a new thread when you have been asked a question on the last one you started.  

Is there a link to this nonsense.

why do you hope it will be a disaster for the UK gulliver?

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Bednobs 10.39 The disaster is almost over for the UK .Fortunately you have got rid of disaster number one. By removing  Johnson from the power he so enjoyed . Now it looks like Starmer may be removing  disaster number two for you which was Brexit. Then you can all live happily ever after in the sunny uplands again.

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Webbo 10.25 I ain't nonsense .. It's beginning to look like it is going to happen ..I hope.

The only disaster that the UK is still suffering from is the last 3 con PMs, Boris needs to go and play on the beach with his bucket and spade because no one is listening to his waffle any longer. Just do what you have to do SK to limit the damage done by these past 3 idiots.

I thought Starmer promised, in his Manifesto, that he would not be seeking to rejoin the EU Corrupt Club.

That would be another broken promise by this already weak PM.

As I have said before, I wouldn't trust him and his cronies to run a one ticket raffle.

KS couldn't care less if people trust him or not, he's been elected to run this country and that is what he is doing and will do. 

Couple of BA's fr you there Gulliver. Which one will you choose I wonder.

All are a great joke.

Boris Johnson says ... it will be a disaster for the UK.

gulliver says ... The One Time I Hope Boris Is Telling The Truth


So... explanation needed ?


//Boris needs to go and play on the beach with his bucket and spade because no one is listening to his waffle any longer. //


Gulliver is.

Off topic?

If it takes as long to gain any benefit of rejoining as it did 'getting brexit done', why worry? Starmer will be booted out at the next election.

Of course, it could just be Johnson 'mischief-making' and 'worry-mongering', aided by his useful tools in the right-wing media. 

Who knows🙄

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Best Answers to nicebloke @ 10.59 and 11.09 .Both very good answers.

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When Boris was asked if he thought Sir Keir and Rachel Reeves were trying to reverse Brexit he replied "Of course they are"  *Woo Woo* Boris has told the truth for once... I hope .

Whenever I have seen Starmer on TV he looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car.  He is completely out of his depth.

From gulliver's last answer you can see that he agrees that Starmer will flip flop again as he said we would not go back in under any circumstance when he got into power.  Yet more lies from this lot.

Nicebloke. Are you seriously saying that we should not trust our PM, if you are we are entering a dangerous situation.  I thought the idea was to vote for the person who you trusted to do the best he/she can for the country.  What you are suggesting is that we should no longer place our trust in MP's to do the best for the country and it's people.

Starmer has already demonstrated that he doesn't care about the general population, especially pensioners, as long as he satisfies his paymasters such as the unions and Lord Alli.

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TSM 11.53 I agree with you . I hope Starmer is telling lies instead of Boris, and he goes back on his word this time.

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