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Shpuld I Study Photography Or Acting?

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chlo6557 | 20:45 Tue 09th Jul 2019 | Arts & Literature
8 Answers
I like acting more, at first I wanted to combine those two, became set skills photographer, I wanted to go for castings while studing photography, learn acting at home. I have now place in London for photography and i think i made mistake, I think after studing acting i would have more chance to get a job becouse
I would be 100% involved in this, i would of have more time rather doing both, I am scared that while doing photography I might not have got a lot of time for acting. I think uni would helped me connect with companies so I would have more chance in acting
aswell i would have more expirence rather than leaning myself at home, on the other hand it is difficult industry and with photography i would have more options, I am not sure it is very hard decision.


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"Many actors spend less than half of the year in acting jobs, so you will need to be prepared to find additional work to support yourself between successful auditions. Temporary jobs in shops and offices, supply teaching or casual work in hospitality and catering are all example".


If you're going into acting, you'll almost certainly need a secondary career path to fall back on. Photography could offer plenty of opportunities (such as commissions for advertising work or wedding photography) for finding some additional income. So it might make sense to seek some qualifications in Photography.

Perhaps you should investigate the possibility of studying for an 'acting-related' degree (such as in Theatre Studies) offered on a joint honours basis with Photography? For example you can take Film and Television Studies jointly with Photography at Derby Uni.
actors are paid peanuts until they win their first Oscar. Photographers are lucky to be paid anything at all, because everyone's a photographer these day.
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Thank you for your answer, I was thinking to study filmmaking, maybe trying to go in film production as it is related to acting aswell a bit in photography. I do like writing aswell but I have not ever study this subject, i did photography and got very good grades so my next worry is that it might be difficult for me to get good grades as it is something i never did before.
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I know it's been a while, but That’s a tough choice, but it depends on your interests. If you love telling stories through images, photography could be your jam. It’s all about capturing moments and expressing yourself visually. But acting might be the way to go if you enjoy being in the spotlight and bringing characters to life.
Have you thought about trying both? Sometimes, one feels more natural than the other. Also, if you're looking for a place to hone your skills, check out Prague Film School on the page , they offer great programs for photography and acting, so you can get a taste of what you love. Just follow your heart; remember, the journey is as important as the destination.

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