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Enigmatic Variations 1663 - The Right Fir By Piccadilly

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Matakari | 13:31 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Good day, looks interesting! I’ve got a good start, but am stuck on the following for which I seek some help. Thanks in advance!

4 Animal moves very gradually, heading away ( 3 )
25 Concealed obesity hiding first sign of flab during fast ( 6 )
26 Most recent cargo includes shell of turtle ( 6 )
33 Shoals of fish primarily seen among water grasses ( 5 )
38 Be quiet as note exposes disgrace ( 5 )
50 Here in France wine rotates making imaginary circles ( 6 )
( Thought I should get this one with: ici/vin/en/dans, but…)

PREAMBLE: Clues are presented in alphabetical order of their answers, which are to be entered to find THE RIGHT FIT. In 38 clues the wordplay leads to the answer plus an extra letter, not entered in the grid. When arranged in conventional clue order ( across then down ), these extra letters describe an apt sentence to be located and highlighted in the completed grid ( 20 cells ), resolving ambiguities. Remaining clues are normal.









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Matakari, are you looking for additional hints or just all the answers?  You won't be able to slot in any answers until you have a decent amount of clues solved....

... and the 38 extra letters makes this distinctly unfriendly for you!

PS I'm not trying to put you off, I'm just being very realistic!

There's a new Guardian Genius puzzle out today.

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Thanks, NACW, I just wanted to see how far I could get with the clues. The Genius might be more Matakari-friendly, you think?

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Please read " The Right Fit " by Piccadilly.

Thanks, Matakari. The Genius was much easier - and less complicated - than this! 

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Enigmatic Variations 1663 - The Right Fir By Piccadilly

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