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Worried About My New Car

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Treacle71 | 13:23 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Home & Garden
40 Answers

I’ve had my new car for 7 weeks.  I have it parked on my driveway when not in use.  As we live in a terraced property, our leasehold neighbours are having exterior wall insulation.  They said the works were going to go ahead sometime in the future and they promised they’d let us know when the works would start (they said probably August), but August came and went and they never got back so we thought they’d put the works off.  We told them we needed a newer car and would happily wait until their works were done as we didn’t want a new car to get damaged/dusty/dirty. 

Friday night just gone, they told us they’re now having the works done and ‘eventually have a date to start’.   Scaffolding was put up today and is over our entrance door.  What I’m more worried about is my new car being damaged.  I don’t want to park it on the road for obvious reasons, but I’m worried now it’s going to get wrecked.  What are my rights in this?  The scaffolding guys seem OK (who've gone now), but one of them was swinging one of the poles around.  Our neighbours didn’t keep us informed either about a start date?  And now the drilling has started.

I just wondered if anyone has any input please,particularly my car?




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Dust washes off. Just wait till we get the funny weather where dust from the Sahara desert is sucked up into the atmosphere and deposited on all our cars; it'll make a bit of dust from your neighbour's house look nothing.

I think you need to step back and consider the fallout of you complaining to your neighbours about a bit of dust on your 2 year old car.

Just hose the dust off so the paint work does not get scratched and accept it is just one of those things.

YMB 13.57 "We have a Jag"  What a coincidence so has TTT.

DDIL, why is the age of the car relevant?

I was given a response and including information that the OP had previously provided.

Is that against a rule?

DDIL, The car happens to be relatively new but were it old, the owner still wouldn't want it damaged so I fail to see why you mentioned its age.  

I repeat I was providing information that had previously provided by the OP.

Please tell me which rule I have broken that requires the third degree.

No rules broken as far as I'm aware DDLI.  That just sounded ... well odd.  

Naomi hasn't said you have broken a rule, DDIL.  Mods are ABers too, and not always acting as mods.  I too thought it was a strange comment for you to make. 

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Well, I knocked on their door along with my very feisty 81 yo mum, bless her. She (mum) was in tears bless her saying it's taken 10 years to save for this car 😢. Anyway, he said the neighbours the other side were being difficult and it took longer than August. Our car is a mess as is our front entrance. He said he'll pay for our car to be cleaned.

I just wanted to keep you updated. Really, they should've provided a cover for our car. He promised they'd be no mess, but the opposite has happened. I know they're entitled to works, but they're inconsiderate.

It crossed my mind too DDIL that in so describing a 7-week old car you were making a point which escaped me.

My neighbour had a garage conversion and extension a few years ago, we are semi detached so my car and the front of my house got dusty and dirty.  The builders did put tarp barriers up to try and minimise the mess but when you live with close to neighbours you just have to accept that these things happen from time to time.

If they are otherwise good neighbours I would have said nothing. 

Well I was going to answer the latest update with some further information about her 'poor' mother and relationships with neighbours.

But I shall not bother.  I see MODs hunt in packs.

You are getting paranoid, DDIL

How are you !  I'm no Mod.


Canary is spitting feathers at the accusation 😁


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Glad I knocked and broke the ice. Had to let them know we're no pushovers. You see, you guys don't know how these new-on-the-scene neighbours have been towards us in the past; nearly had to get the police at one stage.

I would like to thank you for your input, however. It helps to read others opinions.

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